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What is Your Comfort Worth?

karlaofficefurnituresimple • June 10, 2022

An explanation of the benefits of sitting in an ergonomic office chair.   

Office Furniture Simple has a few Ergonomic chair choices that may interest you, Herman Miller Aeron, Embody and Steelcase Leap Chair.  Why you ask would you spend a considerable amount of money on a chair?  Well as Shane Maynor, owner of Office Furniture Simple often asks...” What is your comfort worth?” This applies to all our working environments, those that are working remotely or in the office.  Below I will list 10 reasons, I found researching this topic I believe you should consider: 

  • Increase Level of Comfort
  • When your hips, legs, back, neck, and other body parts lack the support they require to establish proper alignment, they become painful. It may start our as slight discomfort but could lead to ongoing issues.  
  • An ergonomic chair is designed too properly align your body thus creating more comfort.  
  • Enhanced Productivity
  • Anyway, to boost productivity is a plus.
  • With less strain and proper posture your productivity will surely increase. 
  • A Safe Workplace
  • Whether you are working from home or the office, it is important to remember a healthy work environment helps you function better. 
  • The right ergonomic chair fit can increase your blood flow, reduce mental and physical weariness.  
  • A good level of health and comfort makes for an excellent workday! 
  • Increased Participation
  • There is a clear correlation between your level of comfort and your level of participation when it comes to working from home or the office.
  • With the benefits of an ergonomic chair, you will have less to complain about, which means your levels of engagement will be higher. This is advantageous to both the firm and you since you will have a higher level of job satisfaction. 
  • Improved Work Productivity
  • Sitting in a chair that does not offer a healthy ergonomic design can produce discomfort and weariness.
  • Sitting all day can make you fatigued, so what you are feeling is your body's reaction to poor posture.  
  • When you add an ergonomic chair to the mix, you will have the support you need to naturally align your body. The amount of pain and weariness you experience decreases, allowing you to function better at work. 
  • Cost Cutting
  • You already have a chair; so, you are wondering how it will save you money to purchase an ergonomic chair. 
  • Owning an ergonomic office chair can save you financially in health benefits.
  • Musculoskeletal diseases are more common in people who do not have suitable seating.
  • As a result, frequent medical appointments and treatment costs are common. You save money in the long term since ergonomic seats position you to avoid these situations. 
  • Tailored Fit for You
  • When sitting in a standard office chair, it may feel like you are trying to conform to the chairs fit not yours.
  • Ergonomic chairs are made to encourage the body's natural positions and habits, in fact many chairs begin to mimic your contours and adjust to you rather you to it. 
  • Back Pain Relief
  • One of the most prevalent issues is back discomfort which relates to bad posture. For many people this is caused by not sitting at your desk properly.
  • Ergonomic chairs promote the natural curve of the spine, reducing the risk of back pain. You could be pain-free when you have the right chair at your home or office. 
  • Improvements in Blood Circulation
  • A very important health advantage of ergonomic chairs is how they alter blood flow. Your legs may go numb or swell as a result of this condition requiring medical attention depending on the severity of the problem.
  • Improper posture can cause blood clots and impede the circulatory system from functioning normally. 
  • An ergonomic chair retains your legs at a 90-degree angle, allowing blood to flow normally and reducing the possibility of a negative situation developing. 
  • Hip Pain Reliever
  • If your chair does not provide adequate cushioning, it may exert more pressure on your hips. This can cause you to develop hip pain and notice a reduction in your leg's functionality.
  • One of the reasons that ergonomic chairs are padded is to provide enough support for the hips to prevent or reverse pressure-related disorders. 

My final thoughts on Ergonomic Seating. There are more health benefits that go beyond the ten criteria mentioned above. Just a chair change can transform your office by modifying it, you likely will not regret it. If you already have a good ergonomic chair, we can help you out with a Standing Desk!  Just a bit of furniture for thought! 

Karla Maynor, Office Furniture Simple

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